Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ronan & Christian

Here's Ronan and Christian at 4 days old.......... .......and here they are at 9 months old! Aren't they just adorable?! (And much bigger than the first time I met them!) I've photographed these little sweeties several times since they were born and each time they are an absolute joy to work with! They are so happy and smiley, and a ton of fun! Thanks for letting me watch them grow Shannon!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hudson was an itty bitty preemie when he was born.......but check out the rolls on him at 8 months! He was the cutest, happiest little model, giving me tons and tons of smiles! Looking at these pictures I just want to squeeze him! So sweet!

OK, this was about the only time he cried and it was so funny because he went from the picture above to the picture below in about 0.5 seconds!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


What a beautiful baby little Alex is! He has such a wonderful family to love and spoil him! I don't really remember how cooperative he was for the first half of the session, but I do remember that when he decided to be done, he was done! Funny how babies are like that.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Beautiful baby Alexis. Does she have any idea how lucky she is? Does she know how much she is loved and wanted? These babies are such blessings. I'm so honored to be able to capture these precious first memories that will live on forever. Congratulations on your new daughter Vaughn and Christie, I'm so happy for you!

Check out those!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Cordelia......a beautiful name to go with a beautiful baby! This sweet girl wanted NOTHING to do with having her pictures taken, the first time she came to see me, so it actually took two trips to my studio to get these pictures of her pretty little face. I definitely seem to be going through an "awake newborn phase". It tends to come in waves so I'm just waiting for all those sleepy babies to start showing up again!